08 | Those Who are Persecuted


Matthew 4:23-5:12

Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness and for Jesus’ name. Persecution is the selecting out of individuals and groups on the basis of ideology for intended harm. The ideology given in this beatitude is for “Righteousness’ sake” and “on my account.” In America, it seems we have rarely felt persecution on these terms. But here is yet another invitation by Jesus to be His people, to be a part of restoration’s long story, and engage in the work of God the Father, to absorb, rescue, and proclaim the truth of history and our Savior. And as we experience the same resistance to this work we see we are right alongside our Savior, doing the same work. We are going to finish off the Beatitudes embracing what life throws at us knowing we are joining with our savior in His work and being His people.


The definition that Scott gave on Sunday for righteousness was: “God’s saving sacrificial acts in history, relational rightness with God and others, and a life that displays those truths and relationship”.

  1. What are actions and activities in your days that represent this? Are there things you have done with neighbors or coworkers where you absorb pain, brokenness and sin, and help the world to heal? Are there times when you have resisted harming relationships with words or actions?

  2. Have there ever been times when you have mentioned the name of Jesus and noticed a difference in relationship or conversation?

  3. What are the active ways in which you can be proud of your savior and remind yourself of the true story in your day, in your week and in your year?

August 29, 2021 - Scott Cooley