05 | For the City


1 Corinthians 10:31- 11:1

We're studying 1 Corinthians this year, exploring the theme of 'Strong Church' and looking at what it takes for Soma to become a long-term disciple-making presence in our region and beyond. A Strong Church is clear on the gospel message, lives as a counter-cultural community together, and is oriented toward serving the city and making disciples who can make disciples. On this unique Sunday, we look back at these themes and look forward to our Bloomsday Scattering on May 5th, a great opportunity to put into practice all we've been learning. 


1. You are the Church. As we gather or scatter. How will you use our Bloomsday Scattering to be the church with people in our city?

2. Gospel Saturation. In what ways have you/are you experiencing the goodness of God? How can you put that on display for those in our region? Who needs to experience God's glory?

3. The Good of the City. How are you praying for the good of Spokane? What are you doing to seek the flourishing of Spokane?

4. The mission of the Gospel. Who are you in relationship with? Who has God given you favor with? What aspect of the Gospel would be really good news for them?

April 28, 2019 | Steve Hart


04 | For the Glory of God


1 Corinthians 10:23- 11:1

As we end Strong Church Part 3, Paul sums up his directions on navigating the world as witnesses. Jesus has given us a clear mission - to make disciples who make disciples - and we're called to make that mission the organizing principle of our lives. Make your motive God's glory, your aim the good of your neighbor, and your heart tender toward those who do not know the grace of God in Jesus, and then live the life God has given you.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 10.23-11.1. Paul summarizes his directions for navigating in the world as witnesses: Aim to glorify God, seek to build up your neighbor, and look for opportunities to extend the message of grace.

2. God’s glory is about 3 things - his reality, his personal presence, and his beauty. Unpack what each aspect of his glory means. To what degree have you experienced God’s glory personally? Where are the “glory battlegrounds” in your life currently? 

3. Seeking to build up your neighbor means having compassion that leads to action. What are some of the places where compassionate action is most needed in your context? Are there ways you and/or your community are or might begin to meet those needs?

4. Paul’s hope is that many people would know the joy of salvation by grace in Jesus. To what degree does this hope motivate you? What opportunities has God given you for the gospel lately?

April 14, 2019 | Steve Hart


03 | Staying Low


1 Corinthians 10:1-22

Living as a faithful witness to Jesus is challenging, in part because the message of the gospel is so contrary to the priorities and practices of our culture. But there's another challenge, more subtle and powerful: How do we live as faithful witnesses to Jesus when the priorities and practices of our culture are often so attractive, promising immediate fulfillment and happiness? The temptation is to take the good things of the world - success at work, happiness in the home, the freedom to recreate - and turn them into idols, allowing our affection and allegiance to be pulled away from Jesus. How do we live in a world full of idols, and keep our minds, hearts, and lives devoted to Jesus?


1. Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-22. Paul is bringing a strong word of challenge to Christians in Corinth who are self-assured in their faith, confident that they’re standing firm. What seems to be the lesson? See particularly v.12. 

2. The attitude described in v.12 is presumption. What is presumption? What did it look like for Israel, according to v.1-10? How does it show up in our lives today?

3. Paul says that beneath our presumption is our idolatry: When we’re unaware of the motivations of our hearts, we’re prone to be arrogant or self-assured in our faith. How does awareness of our heart’s motivations help to free us from presumption?

4. Paul says that God allows trial in our lives to help us see what our hearts really worship and trust, so that we’ll be set free to rest in the faithfulness of God to us in Jesus. In what ways is God doing that in your life today? 

April 7, 2019 | Steve Hart


02 | Missionary People


1 Corinthians 9:1-27

Part 3 of our Strong Church series (1 Corinthians 8-10) is all about navigating life in the world as Christian. We know that Jesus has come to suffer, die, and rise, victorious over sin. We also know he'll return soon to establish his kingdom of grace, justice, and holistic flourishing. How ought we live in the in between? In this week's text, we're urged to live as a missionary people, orienting our lives around the advance of the gospel. Being a missionary in the everyday requires sacrificing our entitlement, immersing in our culture, and staying faithful to Jesus as we graciously and courageously engage our neighbors with the good news of the gospel.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 9:1-27. Paul is responding to accusations that he’s not a “real” apostle because he’s unwilling to take money from the Corinthians to support him and his ministry. Notice that in his defense, he actually shows us the nature of Christian witness -we can live as faithful gospel proclaimers in a culture that is not receptive to our message.

2. What is Paul’s defense in v.1-18? Why is he unwilling to take what is rightfully his? How does Paul’s sacrifice of his rights serve to advance the Gospel (see v.12)? What happens to Christian witness when we hold on to our rights or entitlements?

3. Consider v.19. What is his posture toward those with whom he wants to share the Gospel message? 

4. Consider v.23. What is his motive for living a life of gospel witness? How might this motivate us?

5. With whom has God given you favor? What aspects of the gospel might be good news to them?

March 31, 2019 | Steve Hart


01 | Freed to Serve


1 Corinthians 8:1-13

We're launching Part 3 of our Strong Church Series, looking at the challenges of living as Servants of Jesus in a world that doesn't yet know his gracious reign. We've been given incredible freedom through Jesus, and we need to learn how to live with that freedom as we relate to one another, to our neighbors who don't yet know Jesus, and to a world that is still in active rebellion to Him. This week, we consider the ways in which we serve and love one another as God's family, particularly when our convictions regarding the things of this world differ. Our love for one another - particularly in areas of disagreement - is one of the greatest testimonies to the truth of Jesus' present reign.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 8:1-13. This section (chapters 8-10) is about navigating life in the world; not an easy task for someone wanting to be faithful to Jesus and love his or her neighbors. Paul urges the church toward 3 things: Truth, Humility, Sacrificial Love.

2. Truth (v.4-6): What does Paul say is the center of the Christian faith? Why is he saying this here? What is the implication he draws in v.7-8?

3. Humility (v.1-3). Paul has some strong rebukes for those who think they’re knowledgeable. What is he saying? How does being known by God lead to humility?

4. Sacrificial Love (v.9-13). While this text is focused on relating to one another in the body of Christ, the fact is that all people are made in God’s image and are people for whom Christ died. How ought that shape our engagement with one another and our neighbors?

5. Where in your life are you engaging with people who don’t share your spiritual beliefs? How can you engage them with truth, humility, and sacrificial love? What might be one next step toward deepening relationship and having gospel conversation?

March 24, 2019 | Steve Hart