07 | The Peacemakers


Matthew 4:23-5:12

We live in a world that increasingly lacks peace. There is ever-growing conflict and division. How will peace ever have its day? The good news of the Gospel is Jesus accomplished peace by reconciling us to the Father. Through the cross, Jesus became our peace and is now inviting us to walk in the “pathway of peace.” This week we explore what that looks like in our daily lives.


  1. What does peace mean to you? How would you describe peace in your life?

  2. Why do you think it’s so hard to achieve and maintain peace in our relationships, culture, and world?

  3. The world’s framework for peace is: how can each party get something they want in an effort to reach compromise. The Gospel’s framework of peace is: what can I sacrificially give to bless the other side. How can we “walk in the pathway of peace” in our daily lives?

August 22, 2021 - Boris Borisov