01 | Gospel Power


Matthew 28:16-20

Following the Way of Jesus is founded on and empowered by the good news of the gospel — all that is ours in the person and work of Jesus! The massive claim of the Great Commission is Jesus’ words, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.” Together we’re learning to rely whole-heartedly on Jesus, and humbly taking responsibility for our own growth as disciples.


  1. What lies, fears, or doubts are regularly pulling your gaze from Jesus?

  2. What is true about Jesus, what he’s done, and who he’s made you to be?

  3. How might you lean into what is true this season, drawing on what is yours in Christ? 

Key Practices:

  1.  Practice a life of confession, repentance, rejoicing, and transformation.

  2. Embrace simple disciplines that help you and your community stay rooted in Jesus.

September 12, 2021 - Steve Hart