10 | Unraveling Death


John 11:14-45 & 12:1-11

Jesus’ movement is really gaining momentum. Everywhere he goes people are being healed and changed by him. His following is regularly increasing. In what seems like the most exciting climb to the top, Jesus takes a dramatic turn toward Jerusalem with the cross in mind. His friend Lazarus is sick and dying, but instead of hurrying to help, Jesus delays, allowing time for Lazarus to die and many Jews from Jerusalem to show up to comfort and mourn with Lazarus’ sisters. With a crowd to see, Jesus gives truth to Martha, life to Lazarus, a sign to the Jews, and the ministry of tears to Mary. He always gives what is needed, although oftentimes it is shocking to the recipient and the onlooker. If we are willing to receive him and truly believe, it changes everything!

August 16, 2020 - Gabe Shippam


09 | The Judgment of Light


John 9:1-41

Not only does John 9 record one of the most vivid stories of Jesus’ power and purpose, and it might be one of the more hilarious stories in the bible. Jesus heals a man born blind, which not only transforms his life but also sets up a series of ridiculous interactions and collisions with his neighbors, family, and the religious authorities. Jesus is arguably the most compelling and important person in human history - and simultaneously the most divisive. His claim is that he is the light of the world, the key to spiritual reality, and the one to whom all people must give total allegiance. For people on the outside, broken by sin and suffering, without access to power or privilege, Jesus brings light and life. But for those in positions of power and authority, for those wanting to remain in control and unwilling to bend their knee to him, Jesus brings judgment. The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay.

August 9, 2020 - Steve Hart


07 | Sabbath Healing


John 5:1-29

John 5 begins with a simple story of healing: Jesus finds a man who has been lame for 38 years, and gives him the gift of wellness, even though the man shows no sign of genuine faith. The healing, however, becomes the catalyst for collision between Jesus and the religious leaders, and the lame man becomes a living picture of the inability of religion to bring life. Just as the lame man could not heal himself, so the religious leaders cannot through their diligent efforts find real spiritual rest or fullness of life. Jesus has come to give life, but we must first give up on our own efforts, admit our inability, and come to him empty-handed - which is easier said than done!

July 26, 2020 - Steve Hart


05 | The Bad Samaritan


John 4:1-42

Jesus strategically travels through Samaria to find a lone Samaritan woman at an isolated well. Their small talk quickly moves from physical thirst to shameful sins and deep desires. Jesus unflinchingly dismantles her sin, as he did Nicodemus’ self-righteousness, in order to heal her heart, call her into his Kingdom, and at the same time sets the record straight in regards to locations and cultural preferences for worship. This woman, the bad samaritan, is paradoxically sought out by Jesus and becomes one of the first evangelists, leading many Samaritans to proclaim Jesus as Savior of the World.

July 12, 2020 - Gabe Shippam