18 | Conclusion


1 Timothy 3:14-16

As we wrap up our series in the Pastoral Epistles, we’re stepping back and trying to get the big picture one last time. These are Paul’s final letters, and they are written to make sure the churches he started stay the course and become long-term disciple-making outposts. All 3 letters are filled with rich theology and practical direction for churches on mission. Faithful churches embrace 4 priorities, all shaped by the gospel of Jesus: Conviction (theological clarity), Character (deep formation), Culture (healthy community), and Context (faithful witness). This week we survey these letters, wrap up the series, and drive home the goodness of all we’ve learned. Remember Jesus Christ!


1. What has been hardest for you in this series? What has been most helpful or hopeful?

2. In light of the 4 C’s, where do you feel most equipped? Where do you see the most need for growth?

3. Read 2 Timothy 2.8. Why does Paul say that to Timothy? What does it mean? And how do we do it?

June 27, 2021 - Steve Hart


17 | Church in Context


Titus 3

The health and strength of each and every local church is Paul’s number one priority in his letters to Timothy and Titus. In Acts, we see Paul’s concern to preach the gospel and make disciples all around the Roman Empire. But his ministry doesn’t end there — he moves to gather new disciples into churches, to establish local leadership, and to commission each church to continue making disciples in their context. As he established these churches, he wanted them to have clear gospel doctrine and gracious gospel culture, so that they could be faithful witnesses to the gospel. In the final chapter of his letter to Titus, Paul tells him to ‘remind’ the church of the importance of how they interact with a hostile world, committing themselves to good and gracious service to all people at all times and in all ways. As people who’ve been rescued graciously by Jesus and given the gift of his Spirit, disciples of Jesus live a humble and courageous life of kindness toward all people. 


1. How would you summarize Paul's instructions in v.1-2? What should characterize Christians in the world?

2. What does Paul appeal to as the basis for his instructions in v.1-2? Why is this significant?

3. Reflect on how you handled the challenges of 2020. Where did you fail to live up to Paul's directives here?

June 20, 2021 - Steve Hart


16 | Character & Culture of the Church


Titus 2

Last week, we explored what Paul wanted to clarify for Titus: that elders are responsible for clarifying doctrine, modeling godly living, and equipping the church for faithful mission. This week, in chapter 2, we will look at what a healthy, engaged, gospel-centered church could look like. Many of us have seen damaged churches, suffering from the spiritual abuse, hypocrisy, and failures of her leaders. We know that a distracted and adrift church can suck the life from her people and the surrounding community. In contrast, a healthy, gospel-centered church can be a vibrant, life-giving, sweet aroma for everyone. A flourishing church will hold a high view of sound doctrine, the people will be engaged in active discipleship at every level, good speech and works will be the norm, and authority will have dignity and integrity allowing the people to submit joyfully. Imagine that! These marks show up not because of the good behavior and skill of the people, this happens when people become fixated on Jesus’ grace & glory.


1. How have you replaced looking and waiting for Jesus’ glory with seeking glory in other ways and forms?

2. Find your category in verses 2-9. What is one area that stands out to you in the list? What difference would Jesus’ grace and glory make in that area? 

3. Is there something you need to renounce or embrace? Doing this in the context of grace is actually a freeing and beautiful practice. Takes some time to confess and allow God’s grace to appear, save, train, provide hope and glory.

June 13, 2021 - Gabe Shippam


15 | Character & Work of Elders


Titus 1

We’ll spend the next few weeks looking at Paul’s letter to Titus, a letter very similar to Paul’s two letters to Timothy. Titus is on the island of Crete where he’s been given a very similar charge as Timothy: Get the churches there fully established so they can have a long-term disciple-making presence! Paul wants the churches strong in gospel truth, beautiful in relationship, and faithful in witness to Jesus. In spite of being in a hard context — many within the church are sowing confusion and many outside the church are pressuring and persecuting — Titus must clarify true doctrine, teach and model godly living, and equip the church for faithful mission. In chapter 1 we see that one of the primary means of the church’s long-term health and fruitfulness is the courage, conviction, and character of the leaders, especially the elders.


1. What is your experience with church leadership? What in your mind makes for healthy leadership?

2. Consider Paul’s character descriptions for elders in v.5-9. What stands out to you? What is Paul after?

3. The elders have 2 key roles: To give instruction in sound doctrine, and to rebuke those who contradict it. What might that look like in a local church? 

4. Consider what sort of community would be created in a church where the elders are men of deep and trustworthy character, hold tightly to the truth of the gospel, and are actively teaching the truth and challenging those who oppose it?

June 6, 2021 - Steve Hart


14 | Preach the Gospel Word


2 Timothy 4

We are finishing up Paul’s second letter to Timothy, and he is going to finish his thought on how to fight with very similar themes; actively go work out the kingdom of God and ground yourself in truth.  This week we again cover what we are fighting for and then see yet again how Paul calls us to join in this fight.  Paul then finishes his letter off with what actually empowers all of our life and the kingdom, grace, and so we will also leave the morning with grace poured out over us. 


1. What are your words for what we are fighting for (what exactly is “the faith” that Paul is talking about in vs 7)?

2. What are the practices you have for remembering the full story of what God has done? 

3. What are ways in which you have seen yourself do work which proclaims the truth of Jesus and His kingdom?

May 30, 2021 - Scott Cooley


13 | Living By The Book


2 Timothy 3

In Acts 20.29, Paul warned the leaders of the church of Ephesus to watch out for “fierce wolves” who will come among the church and “draw the disciples away.” A few years later, Paul sent Timothy to Ephesus because the church there was in danger, just as Paul had predicted. And now, in Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he’s encouraging him to identify, confront, and silence those false teachers and get the church reentered on Jesus, his ways, and his mission. It is no easy task! Thankfully, God has not left Timothy - or us - to figure it out on our own. Our main weapon in this fight is the Bible, where we have both the Old Testament story of God and the New Testament witness to Jesus. By abiding in the Scriptures, we can live with clarity and conviction in the context we find ourselves!


1. What in our day - both within the church and beyond - seems most likely to draw us away from the true gospel?

2. Paul tells Timothy that the 2 greatest weapons in this fight are all he has learned from Paul, and the OT he learned from his mom. Why are these the key weapons for the war?

3. Reflect on your own Bible intake. How is the Bible shaping your life? In what ways are you still resistant?

May 23, 2021 - Steve Hart


12 | Get in the Game!


2 Timothy 2

As we continue our study in 2 Timothy this Sunday, we’ll be looking at what it takes to really stay the course as disciples of Jesus when the world is going crazy. Timothy is in Ephesus, where the cultural pressures around the church and the false teachers within the church are threatening the vitality of the church and her mission. For a local church like ours to remain faithful to Jesus, to his word, and to his ways is always such a fight! But it is a fight won not through coercion, politics, or power, but through faithful transmission of the message, patient endurance of opposition, tenacious commitment to integrity, and a gentle but firm correction of drift. Paul calls us to find our strength in the grace of Jesus, commit ourselves to his disciple-making mission, and endure to the glorious end. 


1. Where are you most feeling your weakness these days? How can you “be strengthened by the grace of Jesus?”

2. Who did you learn the gospel from, and how? Who are you passing the gospel along to, and how?

3. Reflect on this: “The gospel only goes forward through suffering.” In what ways have you experienced this truth?

May 16, 2021 - Steve Hart


11 | Do Not Be Ashamed


2 Timothy 1:1-14

This week we are beginning to read the second letter that Paul wrote to Timothy while he was staying in Ephesus.  The first letter was all about what did the people of Ephesus need to hear, what was good doctrine, and what did Jesus actually come to do.  But the second letter is more about Timothy than the people.  After years of being in Ephesus, Timothy needs encouragement and Paul is going to write what I would call a pep talk to Timothy in order to help him fight to the end.  2 Timothy is a letter written by an aging Paul in Prison to Timothy who needs encouragement to hold on and continue to fight.  In our first week looking at this letter we will see Paul encourage Timothy to fan into flame the gift within him and to choose to suffer for the gospel. 


1. What is your Damascus story?  When and how did you realize you absolutely needed a savior and that Jesus was the one? 

2. What are the two dogs that are in you?  What are you scared of and what is God asking you to do and to be like? 

3. What would it look like to use your gifting, the way God has made you and equipped you, to go and love others and tell others about what Jesus has done?  What is one thing this week you can do? 

May 9, 2021 - Scott Cooley