01 | An Act of Grace


2 Corinthians 8:1-9

After 15 fruitful years of being a family on mission, we’re ready to make a faith-filled journey toward permanent facilities. Our goal is to lean into being a long-term disciple-making presence in our region and beyond, and so we’re dreaming together and raising the funds we need to make it happen. To that end, we’re asking the Soma family to spend a month considering the biblical teaching on generosity and to make a 2-year financial commitment to the vision of Planted. Our aim is to grow into sacrificial and joyful generosity, rooted in personal experience of the sacrificial generosity of Jesus Christ. Without deep knowledge of his work for you - all he gave up on your behalf, and all you’ve been given in him - living a life of generosity will never make any sense. Paul urges us to reflect on the grace of Jesus until we’re transformed, leading to a radical, sacrificial, and joyful lifestyle of generosity..

March 1, 2020 - Steve Hart


02 | Giving Freely and Proactively


2 Corinthians 8:10-9:5

Over the next 2 years, we’re hoping to raise $1 million above our regular budget for the vision of Planted. That’s a wild and audacious goal, and we’re asking the whole Soma family to participate. But to be honest, fundraising is a really strange part of ministry, and can get really confusing for everyone involved. In this section we see Paul trying to walk a fine line as he raises funds for the ministry need in Jerusalem. While it is necessary for him to share the need and equip the Corinthians for financial generosity, he doesn’t want to manipulate or coerce them, as that would entirely miss the point. He really believes that generosity is a result of genuine love for Jesus, echoing Jesus’ words about how what we do with our treasure reveals the state of our hearts. Once we have the right heart motivations in place, we’re ready to start taking practical steps toward greater generosity. Joyful generosity involves looking at our abundance, planning proactively so we are ready to give willingly and freely as opportunities arise.

March 8, 2020 - Steve Hart