Church Planting Sunday


Church Planting Sunday 2022

Psalm 44 is likely a Psalm written during or near the end of Israel's exile, and moves from an encouraging reminder of God's historical faithfulness to an impassioned cry for God to show his saving power again. The first 3 verses have been one of the texts we've leaned on over the last 3 years as we've asked God to continue to grow us into a long-term, disciple-making presence in our region and beyond. This week we celebrate Church Plant Sunday, and talk about how our Planted Initiative and securing permanent facilities will allow us to plant churches locally, regionally, and globally for years to come.

  1. What seems to be the main themes of Psalm 44?

  2. Notice the contrast between the beginning of the Psalm and the end of the Psalm. What does the Psalmist seem to be saying?

  3. What makes you excited about being Planted in our own facilities? What makes you hesitant?

  4. Spend time this week praying for Soma's local, regional, and global influence.

April 24, 2022 - Steve Hart