11 | Everyday Practices


Titus 2.11-15

Everyday Practices

God’s dream for the world is that every nook and cranny of His creation would know and enjoy Him forever. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2.14). To that end, we’re calling and equipping every disciple to our biblical Priorities of Gospel Formation, Life In Community, and Everyday Mission. In our wrap-up to this series, we look at 4 Key Practices - Gather, Go, Grow, and Give - and how they help us get our Priorities to the ground. While we don’t have membership, committing together to these 4 Practices is how we partner for the sake of the Gospel in our church, region, and the world.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Titus 2.11-15. What has struck you most about this text as we’ve soaked in it over the last 10 weeks?

2. Take some time to review where we’ve been in Basics. Consider the riches of the Gospel and all that is ours in Jesus. Remember your baptism into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, and reacquaint yourself with what it means to be part of a Family of Servants and Missionaries. And consider the call of Jesus into everyday mission, to whom He has sent you and what He has called you to do. What has most impacted you about this series?

3. Read over the 4 Practices, and describe how you’re living it out in this season. Please don’t see this as the new law or expectation; these are simply guidelines or best practices, designed to help you think and pray about what faithfulness in this season looks like. It should be unique to you, your season, your family, and your strengths and liabilities. If you need more help dialing it in, let me know!

4. To end our Basics series, we’re taking a special offering for church planting. Church planting is one of the best ways to reach new people with the Gospel, and we are committed to planting churches locally and globally. How is the Spirit leading you to give? Every dollar of this special offering will go directly to church planting right here in the Inland Northwest! somaspokane.org/give

November 17, 2019 - Steve Hart