10 | Everyday Mission: Part 2 - Make Disciples


Titus 2.11-15

Everyday Mission, Part 2 - Make Disciples

The focus of Everyday Mission is to make disciples who can make disciples. Jesus is the risen King and Lord of history, and in His final words to His disciples, He commands them to carry on His central ministry - forming communities of discipleship around Him, His message and His mission. Do our everyday priorities and practices reflect a life of disciple-making mission?

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Matthew 28.16-20, commonly known as The Great Commission. What strikes you about this text? If you put yourselves in the shoes of the disciples, what do you think would be most striking about this scene?

2. The book of Acts tells the story of these first disciples obeying the Great Commission. What did they go and do? How did the Spirit work? What were some of their priorities and practices?

3. If you were to take personal responsibility for the Great Commission, and arrange your life around it, what might need to change? What would you do more, and what would you do less? What would you start doing today?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can check out the Missional Community Life Workshop Videos Part 1 & 2 here: https://subspla.sh/zxkqp7t and https://subspla.sh/sbrjyvw

5. For Kids & Youth: As parents, we have a profound discipling impact on our kids which is the purpose of our lives. We can tell them we love and trust Jesus, but if our life is about other things (like career, comfort, people’s approval, etc.) our kids will see the discrepancy. Ask your kids to evaluate what they think your life is about. Learn from them, celebrate and adjust as necessary!

November 10, 2019 - Steve Hart