01 | Handling the Holidays: Savior!


Matthew 1.18-25

We come into Thanksgiving and then into Christmas with high hopes - for depth of connection with our loved ones, to give or receive gifts that mean something, to feel that life isn’t just mundane and hard all the time. And while we sometimes catch glimpses of all that (thank God!) the reality is that “the holidays” rarely feel very holy, our gatherings don’t quite bring the joy for which we long, and (if we’re honest) we’re still the same old schmucks we were last year (ok, maybe that’s just me!). In any regard, whether you’re a Grinch or a Cindy Lou Who, handling the holidays is no easy feat. So, all December we’re looking at the songs and stories of the very first Christmas, and returning again to the Savior King who brings the holy into the everyday.

December 1, 2019 - Steve Hart