15 | Character & Work of Elders


Titus 1

We’ll spend the next few weeks looking at Paul’s letter to Titus, a letter very similar to Paul’s two letters to Timothy. Titus is on the island of Crete where he’s been given a very similar charge as Timothy: Get the churches there fully established so they can have a long-term disciple-making presence! Paul wants the churches strong in gospel truth, beautiful in relationship, and faithful in witness to Jesus. In spite of being in a hard context — many within the church are sowing confusion and many outside the church are pressuring and persecuting — Titus must clarify true doctrine, teach and model godly living, and equip the church for faithful mission. In chapter 1 we see that one of the primary means of the church’s long-term health and fruitfulness is the courage, conviction, and character of the leaders, especially the elders.


1. What is your experience with church leadership? What in your mind makes for healthy leadership?

2. Consider Paul’s character descriptions for elders in v.5-9. What stands out to you? What is Paul after?

3. The elders have 2 key roles: To give instruction in sound doctrine, and to rebuke those who contradict it. What might that look like in a local church? 

4. Consider what sort of community would be created in a church where the elders are men of deep and trustworthy character, hold tightly to the truth of the gospel, and are actively teaching the truth and challenging those who oppose it?

June 6, 2021 - Steve Hart