12 | Get in the Game!


2 Timothy 2

As we continue our study in 2 Timothy this Sunday, we’ll be looking at what it takes to really stay the course as disciples of Jesus when the world is going crazy. Timothy is in Ephesus, where the cultural pressures around the church and the false teachers within the church are threatening the vitality of the church and her mission. For a local church like ours to remain faithful to Jesus, to his word, and to his ways is always such a fight! But it is a fight won not through coercion, politics, or power, but through faithful transmission of the message, patient endurance of opposition, tenacious commitment to integrity, and a gentle but firm correction of drift. Paul calls us to find our strength in the grace of Jesus, commit ourselves to his disciple-making mission, and endure to the glorious end. 


1. Where are you most feeling your weakness these days? How can you “be strengthened by the grace of Jesus?”

2. Who did you learn the gospel from, and how? Who are you passing the gospel along to, and how?

3. Reflect on this: “The gospel only goes forward through suffering.” In what ways have you experienced this truth?

May 16, 2021 - Steve Hart