Creation: All That Is Good and Right


Creation: All That Is Good & Right

This series is all about what it means to fulfill Jesus' Promise: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses. 1 Peter  3.13-18 tells us to Bear Witness includes 3 things: Deep allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom, clear readiness to suffer for Jesus' sake, and a commitment to live good lives - with personal integrity, in committed community, and in service to the world. As we do that, Peter says, we'll have opportunity to respond to those who ask for a reason for the hope that is in us. In the final part of our series, we're giving reasons for hope by looking at the Storyline of the Bible - Creation, Rebellion, Redemption, and Restoration. Each movement propels hope-filled living and gives us intellectually stimulating, emotionally satisfying, and consistently livable answers to life's biggest questions. This week we explore the doctrine of Creation: We live in a God-breathed and God-sustained world, amongst people made in God's image, built to depend on and center our lives on God.


Read 1 Peter 3:13-18

  1. What are the 3 elements of "bearing witness" according to Peter? How does that relieve, encourage, and/or challenge you?

  2. What is the doctrine of Creation? What does it mean?

  3. What difference does it make to deeply believe we live in a God-breathed and God-sustained world?

  4. What difference does it make to deeply believe that every human being is made in the image of God?

  5. What difference does it make to believe that all people are worshippers created for God?


June 11, 2023 - Steve Hart