Lives That Demand Explanation


Lives That Demand Explanation

Peter’s vision is actually really down to earth: commit yourself to doing good in the world, and be ready to speak of the hope you have when the moment comes. There’s no door-knocking or weird sales pitches. There’s faithfulness to Jesus that shows itself in the kind of life that demands an explanation. And when that moment comes, we answer with gentleness and respect, even when people revile us. Practically, this means being “zealous for good deeds” — to live as citizens of Jesus’ Kingdom for the sake of the world — with an eager readiness to give a reason for your hope. What kind of lives might lead our neighbors to ask “why?” And what will be our answer when they do?


Read 1 Peter 3:13-18

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:8-18. Summarize the passage in your own words.

  2. v.8 gives specific instructions for the life of the church. What does Peter call us to? What would it look like to be a part of that kind of community? Where can your community grow in that?

  3. v.9-12 gives specific instructions for how the church is to engage in the world. What does Peter call us to? What might that look like? How might you as a community continue to grow into Peter's vision?

  4. What sort of priorities & practices - personally, in community, and in the world - should set Christians apart? How should we be different from both the religious & secular cultures in which we swim?

  5. If someone asked you why you are a Jesus follower, what would you say? To what degree do you feel you are ready to "give a reason for the hope that is in you?"


June 4, 2023 - Steve Hart