07 | On Politics and Power


07 | On Politics and Power: We affirm the need for Christian civic and political involvement to be marked by a thoughtful, intentional, and theologically-informed cultivation of good citizenship. While our primarily allegiance is to Jesus and His Kingdom, we believe we are called to honor our political leaders as servants of God. We are to be marked by reasonableness, gentleness, and common courtesy, resisting the temptation to speak evil of anyone or to misrepresent the perspectives of those with whom we disagree. We are called to be salt and light in the world, people of deep virtue and abundant good works. Like our King, we are to use whatever power or privilege we’ve been graciously given to serve all people. And we are to root our identity, security, and hope in the good news of the gospel, freeing us to devote ourselves to good works, especially toward the most urgent needs of our world.

1. Read Titus 3.1-15. What commands does Paul give in regards to Christian civic engagement?

2. Compare and contrast Paul’s commands with your experience of the church’s involvement in politics.

3. What are the “good works” that you are particularly passionate about? How does it show up in your life?

4. What does it take to shape a community that is zealous for good works, but that doesn’t fracture around causes?

5. In what ways do you need to change your civic or political engagement to embrace Paul’s directives here?

June 26, 2022 - Steve Hart