06 | On Sexuality and Gender


06 | On Sexuality and Gender: We affirm a historic Christian view of the goodness of the human body, the purposeful creation of humans as male or female, and the sacredness of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman, designed by God to signify the relationship between Christ and his Church. Sexual intimacy is intended by God to enjoyed within that covenant. We believe sin has impacted every aspect of creation, including human sexuality, and that same-sex sexual desire and incongruence between one’s biological sex and one’s gender identity was never a part of God’s intention for humanity. Through Christ, God is redeeming his people, and empowers us by His Spirit to a life of increasing holiness, conforming to the image of Christ, including the redemption of our sexuality and sexual desires. Because we belong to Jesus, we are called to turn away from thoughts, actions, desires, or behaviors that do not align with God’s intentions for human sexuality. In the church — which is the Family of God — relationships of mutual interdependence and non-sexual intimacy ought to abound, so that all people experience the reality of our shared identity as brothers and sisters as we yearn toward holiness together.

1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4.1-12. What are the marks of a life pleasing to God?
2. How does the Bible’s vision of human sexuality differ from both religious and secular versions?
3. What is your relationship with your body and sexuality like? (Consider breaking into men and women to discuss.)
4. What does it look like to yearn toward wholeness in our sexuality? How can we support one another?

June 19, 2022 - Steve Hart