03 | Gospel Identity


Matthew 28:16-20

Following the Way of Jesus begins with baptism, the public declaration of what Jesus has done in us. At the same time, baptism also functions as an immersion into the life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the beginning of a new way of life. The command to make disciples is accomplished as we form people into their new identity built on their new relationship to the Father, Son, and Spirit. In this way, we are shaping a disciple’s sense of identity — who they are and to whom they belong — as we help them learn to obey Jesus. Together we’re living into our new identity in Jesus Jesus as Family, Servants, and Missionaries, and helping others to do the same.


  1. What identities have most shaped your life? Where did you learn them?

  2. What identities does God give to us in Jesus? To what degree have they been worked in?

  3. Have you experienced baptism? If so, what was that like? If not, why not? (Do it on 10/17!)

Key Practices: 

  1. Family: Show up to weekly gatherings eager and ready to contribute your life and gifts

  2. Servants: Meet needs within and beyond your community with time, talent, and treasure

  3. Missionaries: Pray for your M/C, for your neighbors, and for gospel opportunities

September 26, 2021 - Steve Hart