04 | Gospel Rhythms


Matthew 28:16-20

Following the Way of Jesus encompasses all of life, bringing significance to even the most mundane and normal parts of our days. Jesus came to make us fully alive, to teach us to live abundant life, and obeying him is not a burden but a release and a relief. Followers are learning to engage everyday practices — eat, listen, story, bless, celebrate, recreate — as followers of his way, infusing every aspect of life with Jesus. To that end, we want everyone to craft a shared set of practices around the way of Jesus together, and commit to following the way of Jesus together.


  1. What would you say are the marks of a life that is really rooted in Jesus & faithful to his way?

  2. What most hinders this kind of life for you? What are the roadblocks? 

  3. Are there a few specific practices you need to prioritize, individually and communally?

Key Practices: 

  1. Determine what practices - eat, listen, story, bless, celebrate, recreate - you’ll engage together

  2. Commit to a simple way of regularly connecting as family, servants, and missionaries


October 3, 2021 - Steve Hart