
For Our Church

Our disciple-making mission is clear and fruitful, but repeated facility challenges are limiting our capacity and effectiveness. Planted will allow us to secure permanent facilities for the good of our church and our missional impact.


For Our Region

Our presence in the Spokane region is a catalyst for mission and ministry, but we’re invisible in our city and our partnerships are constrained by rented facilities. Planted will give us a physical location, increasing our visibility and expanding local partnerships.


For Gospel Saturation

Our vision spreads beyond our city, as God brings the knowledge of his glory to the ends of the earth. Planted will create a missional headquarters from which we send disciple-makers and church planting teams locally and globally.


For 15 Years, we’ve been a mobile church plant…

This has allowed us to stay nimble, to allocate funds toward people and ministries, and kept us clear on our mission of disciple-making in the everyday stuff of life. In the last few years, we’ve felt the squeeze of being nomadic renters. Moving every few years has taken a toll on us, especially when relationships with landlords have soured.

Though we’ve continued to see significant impact in the lives of those who’ve been connected with Soma, our lack of space has made us invisible to our city and is beginning to restrict our fruitfulness.


And now we’re asking you to give with a goal*

*actually two

Because we’re always primarily about disciple-making, our number 1 goal over the next 2 years is to grow into a more joyful, free, and generous people. We’re asking everyone to prayerfully engage in a journey of greater generosity. The generous life is the good life!

Our second goal - $1.8 million over two years - feels huge because it is, and absolutely won’t happen apart from a move of God. We’re inviting you to be part of a story of grace that will profoundly affect us, our kids and grandkids, our city, our region, and the world.


Stories of Grace