The Word and the Spirit


The Word and the Spirit

Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at how the Spirit works in union with the word of God - calling us to remember God's word, reinforcing what is true, and empowering our life in Christ.


Read John 14:25-31

  1. Describe how the Holy Spirit’s work points us back to God’s word. How does God’s word also point us to the Spirit?

  2. How is the peace (shalom) that Jesus gives us different from the world’s version of peace?

  3. As Christians, we can lean towards the extremes of being only “Spirit Led” or “Bible Led”. Which side do you lean towards and why?

  4. End your time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to help you follow his leading and hold fast to God’s word, worshipping God in spirit and truth.

Jan 21, 2024 - Matt Deisen