The Fullness of God


The Fullness of God

In the days of Jesus’ life, people came to know him from the ground-up — they walked with him, watched and listened to him, experienced his reality, and in real-time came to know him as Savior and Lord. After his death and resurrection, as the first disciples reflected back on all he was and all he did, they came to know Jesus from the heavens-down, comprehending his deity and his descent to humanity. In this series, we’ll unpack four of the New Testament’s most exalted claims regarding the deity of Jesus, marveling at the humility of his descent in his first Advent. This week we look at Colossians 1:15-20 and see the preeminence of Christ - his surpassing worth - in all things!


Read Colossians 1:15-20

  1. Read Colossians 1:15-20. How does this description of Jesus stir up your awe and wonder?

  2. As a community, discuss where you tend to put value, worth, or authority in things other than Jesus. Confess these things to one another.

  3. List the ways that Jesus displays his surpassing worth, value, and authority over ALL things. How is this good news to you?

  4. How does this passage invite us to worship Jesus as the source, sustainer, and savior of our lives?

  5. Repent and turn to Jesus together in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see Jesus as the FULL glory of God. 

Dec 3, 2023 - Matt Beumer