Redemption: Jesus Is The Answer


Redemption: Jesus Is The Answer

This series is all about what it means to fulfill Jesus' Promise: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses. 1 Peter  3.13-18 tells us to Bear Witness includes 3 things: Deep allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom, clear readiness to suffer for Jesus' sake, and a commitment to live good lives - with personal integrity, in committed community, and in service to the world. As we do that, Peter says, we'll have opportunity to respond to those who ask for a reason for the hope that is in us. In the final part of our series, we're giving reasons for hope by looking at the Storyline of the Bible - Creation, Rebellion, Redemption, and Restoration. Each movement propels hope-filled living and gives us intellectually stimulating, emotionally satisfying, and consistently livable answers to life's biggest questions. This week we explore the doctrine of Redemption: putting everything right through Jesus,  restoring what has been marred and destroyed in all of creation's rebellion against God.


Read 1 Peter 3:13-18

  1. How would you explain the doctrine of redemption to someone who asks? What does it mean?

  2. How do your neighbors/coworkers/family members answer the question of redemption? What do they think will ultimately heal the world? 

  3. How might a profound belief in the completion of Jesus’ Redemption shape our lives today? What shows up in our lives when we don’t believe this personally & deeply? What behaviors or emotions?

  4. What difference does it make to you that Jesus’ message is not “DO”, but “DONE”? 


June 25, 2023 - Jon Schuler