The Promise of Jesus


The Promise of Jesus

In Acts, Luke continues the narrative of the work of Jesus. The tomb is empty, Jesus is alive, and as he ascends to his throne in heaven, he gives clear direction about how his followers are to continue his work. His ongoing mission in the world depends on this community of failures. Everything Jesus came to do is now being entrusted to his Church. But, here’s the catch, the disciples can’t seem to get it right. They don’t have what it takes. They are confused, scared, and prone to give up easily. We are sent to bear witness to the Story - his life, death, resurrection; the forgiveness of sins; repentance and baptism; a new kind of human life together - but we can’t make it very far past the resurrection before we start flopping again; missing what Jesus is really saying. This is why the work of the Holy Spirit is so important. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will empower them (and us!) to live out the mission. All they are to do is wait, expect, pray, and depend. Not on their own strength, but on the power of God!


Read Acts 1:1-11

  1. Read Acts 1. Notice how quickly Luke moves to the work of the Holy Spirit. What is your reaction to discussions about the Holy Spirit? What bias do you read into these first couple chapters of Acts based on your personal history?

  2. We see confusion, faithfulness, and boldness coming from the disciples in this chapter. How do you relate to the disciples in this chapter?

  3. What is your reaction to Jesus’ command to bear witness? Are you willing to go to the ends of the earth?


April 23, 2023 - Gabe Shippam