The Body & Blood of Jesus


The Body & Blood of Jesus

The story of Judas' betrayal is infamous: One of Jesus' closes companions conspires with the Religious power brokers to destroy Jesus, working in conjunction with Satan himself. For Judas, Jesus was a means to an end, and in this moment he sells Jesus out for a bit of cash. Loyalty, the opposite of betrayal, is being true to someone despite attractive alternatives. While it is easy to point fingers at Judas, the story is meant to lead us to reflect on our own attractive alternatives and the places for which Jesus is a means to an end in our own lives. And yet - thru the very means of Judas' betrayal! - Jesus displays his self-giving loyalty, giving his body and blood for us, accomplishing redemption on our behalf.


Read Luke 22:1-23

  1. While Judas, Satan, and the Religious leaders are conspiring to kill Jesus, Luke makes it clear that Jesus is in charge. How does he make that clear? What is Jesus doing?

  2. The Last Supper gives the disciples (and us!) a lens to understand his coming death. How does he tell them to understand it?

  3. What are your "attractive alternatives," the ways in which Jesus is a means to an end in your life? What does Judas' story tell us about that?

  4. "Satan entered into Judas" is a scary verse. By not living in confession and honesty with Jesus, Judas opened himself up to be influenced by Evil. Contrast that with Jesus' promises in Luke 11: The Father wants to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Take some time to do that!


March 19, 2023 - Steve Hart