Receiving Delight


Receiving Delight

Do you ever feel like you’re on the outside? Like you just don’t fit the religious mold? Or perhaps you’re quite comfortable in the church. What you’re concerned about is the culture, the economy, politics. Wherever you are Jesus wants to show you how to approach him. Whether you feel like you’re on the outside or the inside, like the younger or older brother, God has something profound he wants to give you today - Himself!


  1. Read Luke 15. What does 15.1-2 tell you about the audience listening to these parables of Jesus? How are they responding to him?

  2. Compare and contrast the 2 sons. How are they different? How are they similar? Which do you most relate to, and why?

  3. What strikes you about the father in the story? What do we see of his character in how he responds to the brothers?

  4. What habits, rhythms, or practices help you stay grounded in the compassionate heart of God and your true identity as a son or daughter?

  5. Consider taking communion together when you gather this week as a community.

January 29, 2023 -Jonathan Dodson