Faith, Forgiveness, and Love


Faith, Forgiveness, and Love

Luke continues his message of crystallizing the kingdom and here he gives some great pictures of those who get the blessing and those who miss out. The key to God’s kingdom has always been faith. I believe who God says He is and that He is going to accomplish the redemptive restoration that He said He would. The opposite of faith is to be offended and make ourselves autonomous from the need for God and a savior. Luke paints this picture well in chapter 7.

Questions for Discussion

  1. What is a way you describe who Jesus is and what He came to do?

  2. In the sermon, Scott mentioned that “Autonomy from God is the original sin.” What did he mean by this (FYI, he heard that phrase in a John Mark Comer podcast and didn’t come up with it himself)?

  3. What are places in your life that Jesus is pointing out that are autonomous from him (offended by Him being in control) and need to be prayed about and talked about with other Jesus followers?

  4. What are ways you can practice and daily remind yourself of your answer to question #1?

October 30, 2022 - Scott Cooley