04 | Guilt


04 | Guilt

The Psalms invite us into raw, passionate, and emotive life with God. The psalmists regularly expose the truth of their feelings before God, even in ways that may seem taboo in our lives. Many of us have believed that feelings are bad and can not be trusted. We've believed that feelings are poor guides, untrustworthy, and will ultimately lead us astray. The truth is, God gave us our emotions. Each of our emotions are helpful tools, leading us to whole-hearted living. Get this - our feelings can be a pathway to Jesus. Emotions expose our neediness. Our neediness provides an opportunity for us to be vulnerable. Genuine prayer allows us to bring our full selves to Jesus. Deep faith and full life include our feelings. We can trust that Jesus can handle, and even use our emotions.

This week we look at Guilt.

Questions for Discussion

  1. Read Psalm 51. What themes do you recognize in David’s words?

  2. When was a time that you felt guilty and needed to be forgiven?

  3. What would change in your life if you were able to “acknowledge what God has known the whole time”?

  4. What would you say to a friend who tells you they still carry feelings of guilt from something in the past?

July 31, 2022 -Jon Schuler