06 | 3 Trees, Part 3


2 Peter 1:3-11

We use this image, called 3 Trees, to represent how real growth and change happens. We can't just decide to change and automatically jump from a thorn-producing tree to a fruit-bearing tree. Instead, we have to trace our thoughts and behaviors down to their roots and bring them in need, confession and repentance to the Cross. When we allow Jesus' truth, love, and grace to change the deep, unreached areas of our hearts, something radically different comes out of us. God is at work, in the heat (situations of life) and wants to reveal the roots of our thorn ridden responses, not to shame us, but to set us free. This week we wrap up the series with one final look at the 3 Trees.

Here’s the list of characteristics of relational maturity - a humbling but helpful gauge!

1) To develop a stable sense of identity.
2) To maintain intimate, stable and satisfying relationships.
3) To experience in one’s self and perceive in others the full range of emotion.
4) To regulate impulses and emotions in ways that foster personal & relational health.
5) To function according to a consistent and mature moral sensibility.
6) To appreciate and live within conventional notions of what is realistic.
7) To respond to stress resourcefully so that one recovers from painful events without undue difficulty.


1. What is one area of growth or change the Spirit is highlighting in this season?

2. What gospel truth do you need to remember and rehearse regularly in light of that?

3. How will you get that truth in front of you? What habits or practices do you need to employ?

February 7, 2021 - Steve Hart