01 | 3 Trees, Part 1


2 Peter 1:1-11

January is always a time of reevaluating life and making changes - or at least intending to make changes! Personally, I look forward to it because of the opportunity it affords for a clean sheet and a fresh start, even though I know nothing really changes on January 1st. In fact, year after year I’m reminded of the simple (and haunting!) truth: Whatever I am on the outside, in my best and worst moments, reflects whatever I am on the inside. I simply can’t wake up on January 1st and choose to be more attentive in my relationships, less self-reliant and more dependent on the Spirit, and finally be a man of deep prayer and courageous witness. I can want to do all those good things, but wanting - and even trying hard! - is insufficient (or else we’d all be the best versions of ourselves all the time!). I need more than good intentions and resolutions; I need a process and pathway for real growth and change that leads to me becoming a new kind of person, from the inside out. So what does that look like?! Over the month of January, we’ll answer that question from one of my favorite texts (2 Peter 1.3-11), and hear stories from people experiencing the kind of change that only Jesus and his grace make possible.


1. Read 2 Peter 1.1-11. According to v.3-4, what has God given us, and what does that mean? According to v.5-6, what is Peter calling us to do? According to v.8, what happens when we do what Peter says?

2. In v.9, Peter tells us that we fail to grow and mature because we lose sight of what God has done to free us from sin. Reflect on that verse, considering the implications of what Peter is saying.

3. As we enter into 2021, is there an area of immaturity or unfruitfulness (see v.8) the Spirit is highlighting for growth and change? Try to chose one specific quality or virtue from Peter’s list in v.5-7, and stay focused on it this month.

January 3, 2021 - Steve Hart