04 | Bear Witness


John 15:1-17

We’re concluding our September series, looking at our priories - gospel formation, life in community, and everyday disciple-making mission - in John 15. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his coming departure, and his main theme is the continuation of his mission and ministry through them. Jesus says that all who believe in him will do his works, and that he will give the Spirit to empower believers to fulfill the mission. In John 15, he commands the disciples to do the Father’s business, the same work they saw him doing. He promises to make them fruitful as they go about this mission, and that he will assist them by the Spirit and prayer. Ultimately, they will be fruitful in this mission because Jesus will make them so. Every disciple of Jesus is called to be a disciple-maker, and the church is called to be a disciple-making community.


1. Soma is strong in our gospel-centeredness and a in our practice of community, but we’re weaker in mission. To what degree would you say that is true for you personally? Can you help us grow in this area?

2. Who has God given you favor with in this season? What are a few simple next steps for deepening relationship and having gospel conversations?

3. Using John 15.16 as a promise, ask the Father to soften hearts, create opportunities, and draw your neighbors and friends to himself, using us as he desires.

September 27, 2020 - Steve Hart