04 | Handling the Holidays: Peacemaker!


Luke 2.1-21

The holidays are prone to sentimentalism, that warm fuzzy feeling that lit trees, cute family Christmas cards, and stockings hung by crackling fires brings us. And because the Christmas story is so familiar, it is really hard for it to be for us anything more than emotional warmth. But the first Christmas was not sentimental in the least: an unwed teen with an unplanned pregnancy gave birth in a barn, poor and rejected and alone, with nothing but strips of cloth and a manger for her newborn. And in that barn 2000 years ago God broke into our world to do something that forever changed the course of history and ushered in a whole new possibility between men and God: Good news for all people, in and through Jesus, the Savior, Anointed King, and Sovereign Lord!

December 22, 2019 - Steve Hart