All Jesus' disciples are missionaries!


Before Jesus left his disciples, he gave them a mission and purpose: to go make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus had showed them about life in the kingdom of God (Matthew 28.16-20). For the disciples, to hear “make disciples” would have immediately made them think of what Jesus had been doing with them for the last 3 years! “Make disciples” would have been heard as “replicate our life together:” reach others by proclaiming the gospel, and then teach others to be Jesus’ disciples, just as they did with Him. Jesus told his disciples at the start: follow me, and I will make you fishers of men, and now he is sending them together to catch men, wrap them into gospel-centered community, and learn to walk in Jesus’ ways together.

The picture Jesus paints is simple but profound: every single disciple of Jesus is called to follow Jesus and is sent by Him into full-time ministry as disciple maker! As a Christian, life has a whole new purpose, under which everything falls - you are a disciple sent on a mission to make disciples! God’s people are missionaries - and not just the ones who go to foreign countries. All God’s people are sent. If we think of a missionary as someone who is on a mission from God, then all Christians are missionaries in the places they reside. Key to living out our God-given purpose in life is embracing our identity as Missionaries.



Gospel | Community | Mission