03 | Gifts For All


1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Paul begins to lay out the importance of spiritual gifts and their role in the body of Christ. His emphasis is on the Spirit’s sovereignty in giving gifts as well as the purpose of the gifts - to build up the body of Christ. We’ll discuss Spirit’s desire to make much of Jesus in our church through gifts of grace.

Sermon Date: January 21, 2018


02 | Need & Promise


Luke 11:5-12

The parable Jesus tells us about our “impudence” - the willingness to look ridiculous as we admit our need over and over before the Father. But the good news is, the Father we have doesn’t shame us or even tolerate us and our need - he delights to joyfully give of himself to us, ultimately giving us His very Spirit.

Sermon Date: January 14, 2018